Rivers of Recovery Web Design
Rivers of Recovery is a nonprofit organization that provides free fishing trips for disabled veterans and their families. They are recognized as one of the premier recreational rehabilitation programs in the United States.
They asked Browning & Browning to redesign their website. Working closely with Rivers of Recovery, I developed visually engaging site that is easily updatable.
I collaborated with Clocktower Media, who created a custom Content Managment System (CMS) from the ground up.
Visitors can make donations with the web site. To help fund the fishing trips, One-Click Donation buttons where created. People could donate the cost of a lunch, dinner, fishing license, and more with a click.
Each button had a specific dollar amount, and when clicked, took the visitor to PayPal where they could make a donation.
To create awareness of the Rivers of Recovery organization, Dan Cook, Founder and Executive Director, took a row boat 3,700 miles from Montana to the Gulf of Mexico.
The the trip was called “The Heart of America campaign” and a wanted a micro-site to maximize interest and participation in this unique and challenging project.
Dan’s trip was tracked on the web site using Google Maps and his GPS location. Dan uploaded photos of his journey that where posted on the home page. He also had a live web cam.
Interactive features allowed visitors to upload photos and stories. A forum gave the audience the opportunity to ask questions, post comments and view trip progress reports.
This was the original web site. The design needed improving.
I created the visual identity for the Dan Cook’s historical trip. The logo was for originally for the Heart of America micro-site, but it was used for collateral material and promotional items.
I worked closely with the Rivers of Recover Board of Directors to provide clear and tangible guidance on how to structure there site. I created wireframes and site maps to communicate content and features, as well as address the shortcomings in the former site.
After the wireframe and site structure was approved, I created several Photoshop storyboards to visually deliver an exciting and informative user experience.
Several designs where reviewed. Visual elements needed to reflect the organization’s perspective.
The designs were welcomed by Board of Directors, but finding the right voice was difficult for every one to agree on.
Several design directions where explored, but they had to preserve the recognizable elements of their original identity.